Mixed In Key 8
Limit the scope of tracks ReCK and MiK proccess to only the latest additions to the Rekordbox collection, for optimum efficiency.
Developed and released with the full approval and endorsement of Mixed in Key
For Windows users I offer an e-mail service.
Mail me the exported Rekordbox.xml from your Rekordbox
Windows collection and I return the Rekordbox(ReCK).xml you import back into your collection.
The costs are base fee : US$ 10,- plus US$ 2,- for every 10.000 tracks in the collection to be transferred by PayPal in advance
Example: a 40.000 tracks conversion costs US$ 10 + US$ 4*2 = US$ 18,-
Contact me first before sending anything! This is a single run, without any pre- or post-processing. This service only sets the memory cues identicall to the hot cues. There is no Mixed in Key integration or other processing performed. The resulting Rekordbox(ReCK).xml can only be imported in the Rekordbox collection the base XML was exported from. When I accept the job I can give you an exact turn around time. Based on my agenda and the size of your collection this takes 2 hours on average.